The Family Tree, a new audio drama from Adamthwaite and Pickering, launches on Monday 26 th September 2016. The show will air for 12 weeks, releasing an episode of the drama every Monday and an accompanying commentary episode each Friday.
The show is a spin-off from in-conversation podcast, Getting Better Acquainted, featured on BBC Radio 4’s In Pod We Trust and BBC Radio 5 Live’s Required Listening. Focussed on openness, honesty and truth, the same conversational style is used to explore the story in The Family Tree.
The Family Tree is a magical realist drama about family, belonging, change and identity.
The 12 supplementary episodes or ‘Cuttings’ feature a range of guests from podcasting, journalism and the arts, discussing the issues raised in the show, including themes such as representation, lived experience, identity and social responsibility.
This teaser showcases some of the conversations that focus on ideas as Dave talks to Zoe Prosser, Lydia Nichols from The Rusty Quill Gaming podcast, Sonja Todd, Phil Leirness and Dean Haglund from Chillpak Hollywood Hour, Helen Zaltzman and Martin Zaltz Austwick.